Good luck little plants.

Yesterday, I went to Lowes to purchase some flowers, spent more than I should have (LOL), & came home to plant them.  Here are some pictures.


I bought some geraniums.  They are said to repel ticks.  In fact one of the ingredients in the cats’ monthly natural flea medication is geranium oil.  However, I wonder if I should be concerned;  I have outdoor cats, & I just read that geraniums are toxic to them.  Hmm, what to do?  I really wish I had read that sooner. . .


I also got some pink & white impatiens for the flower pots because they like the shade

& some potting soil.


Libya requested a raspberry plant.  Since she has been feeling so terrible lately, I bought one to try to cheer her up.

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Also I purchased a gardenia & a lovely salvia plant.  They are somewhere in the first picture above.  I forgot to take individual pictures of them.

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All that was left was a good watering (for both the plants & me) & a few words of encouragement.

I wish you well little plants.  May you produce plenty of flowers/fruit.

That is all for now.




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